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Definition Research Topics

According to, a definition research sets out to find the meaning a word, concept or expression. Most of the words, concepts or expressions are explicit and the researcher is expected to come up with an elaborate and detailed definition of the term. The selected topics should be less intellectual or tangible in order to allow an academic debate. This type of research describes, explains and clarifies the meaning of a particular term or expression. In addition to that, definition research topics should be based on a person’s point of view or perspective and therefore not include terms that have definite meanings. Non-concrete words and expressions that are abstract in nature are the most preferred in definition research because they give room for arguments and diverse interpretations. This paper will discuss the meaning of definition research topics, their structure, important elements and at the same provide at least 45 examples of definition research topics.

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What is a definition research topic?

A definition research topic is a single word, an expression or concept whose meaning is the subject of a research process. A definition research paper topic is similar to a definition essay topic because the topics to be defined have indefinite meanings. The words to be defined in a definition research topic must disputable and at the same time have a complex meaning. Definition research is very subjective in the sense that the presented theory or hypothesis must be supported by the researcher’s opinions and ideas about the topic that is under discussion.  The reseaercher’s opinions and ideas about the research topic must be declared in the research paper as well as the opinions of other scholars and opinion shapers.

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 What the structure of Definition Research Topics?

Definition research topics are different from other research topics in terms of denotation and connotation. To begin with, the word or expression must have an intricate meaning and this therefore means that it must be abstract. The topic must have a word or concept to be explained or defined.  A definition research topic is not as detailed as other conventional research topics and that is why it is normally short. The topic has to highlight what the research seeks to find and at the same time include the word or concept that is under investigation.  In some instances, the topic might express the researcher’s opinion about the meaning of a particular word or concept in form of a hypothesis. Furthermore, we can have a topic refuting a particular definition and providing a new meaning to a term or concept.  However, a definition research paper topic should be open ended in order to allow a debate on the word, theory or concept at hand.

What is important for Definition Research Topics?

The most important thing for definition research topics is that they must have an indefinite word or concept o be investigated, discussed of debated. Definition research topics must clearly demonstrate that the research purpose is to find out the meaning of a particular word, concept or theory. The topic should have a wide scope in order to allow for different definitions and interpretations. Narrowing the scope like in other conventional research topics makes it difficult to classify the topic as a definition research topic because it will mean that the words or concepts have a definite meaning or definition.

Examples of Definition Research Topics

The following are examples of Definition Research Topics:

  1. The perfect shopping experience
  2. The real meaning of success
  3. The modern definition of laziness
  4. The American dream from the immigrant point of view
  5. What it means to cheat in a relationship
  6. Defining marriage from a cultural context
  7. The meaning of rudeness
  8. Finding the difference between a house and a home
  9. What constitutes a good wife
  10. The actual meaning of honesty
  11. What it takes to be a person of integrity
  12. The evolving meaning of fashion
  13. Defining privacy in different contexts
  14. What it means to be beautiful
  15. Who is a hero?
  16. Why masculinity should not be based on physical appearances alone
  17. Why poverty is a relative term
  18. What it means to be courageous
  19. The real meaning of humility
  20. The definition of sexism
  21. What constitutes peace of mind
  22. What it takes to be a team player
  23. What is common sense
  24. Who is a citizen
  25. What it means to be politically correct
  26. What a person needs to in order to be viewed as generous
  27. Defining trust in marriage
  28. What constitutes total freedom
  29. Who is a conservative person
  30. When is one said to be mature
  31. What amounts to greed
  32. Who is a bad boss
  33. Who is a good parent
  34. What constitutes pride
  35. Who is a good leader
  36. What does it mean to be persistent
  37. What is peer pressure
  38. What it means to have a healthy appetite
  39. Who is a racist
  40. The meaning of modesty
  41. Who is a team player
  42. What it means to be charismatic
  43. What is motherhood
  44. Who is a loyal person

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